Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Right Now.....Our dinner table

Just another Wednesday Morning

Hi everyone!

I have been so busy this summer, from horseback riding to going to the beach with barn friends. I can't wait for a calmer schedule in September, but I will miss the long lazy (or not so) days of summer! Today I: baked sugar cookies, hung out at the barn, and read my good book with some ice tea. Here's my simple version of making ice tea: boil water, pour a small amount into a cup, brew your tea, add water, add sugar (if wanted), and put ice into your cup. Delicious!!!! Hope everyone has a nice Wednesday evening~linden
A cozy spot in my home

A summer sunset

A silver heart

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm Back!

Hi everyone!
I have been WAY too busy and lost track of posting, but my schedule has gotten a bit calmer now that it's August. I'm hoping to go to the barn on Friday to get ready for maybe another show before school......please mom:)! SaraLee, my dog,  has been sick with ohh....4 or 5 different things:(  We took her to the vet yesterday at 7:00 ~  I'm not joking, because of kennel bark. We boarded her at a place last weekend when we were away where they don't use kennels which is why we took her there thinking that she wouldn't get it. But....she supposedly did! Hope everyone is having  a great week.~Linden